Hi, i got 2 account for ageofwushu* Bluedragon =beggar (lvl 30 inner 1, inner 2 lvl 36) no addictional skill what so ever, all beggar skill at lvl 5*= 40$ White tiger = beggar inner 1 lvl 36, inner 2 lvl 36, inner 3 lvl 30 full set : royal guard fist, dualblade wonderer valley, weitue staff, bharahama staff, dragon slab (new set) also *heal emie 1 dagger (2skill, rage and heal) all of the skill are at max lvl (5 for beggar skill, 4 for the rest) only except the staff skill. but it can be lvl up to max when you have the time. I got meridian shaolin at 36 and wudang inner are at lvl 10 and beable to lvl to 20. I got jade shirt and gold boot + silver pant +70def, very good items all about 5D-7D when i bought it . Asking price 200$ if you are interest please give me a messege or call at 17145106851 or my email is sunblack911.qt@gmail, please email me regarding these account still selling this acc.. and i do take offer. so please leave me a message if you are interest are you still selling this? pm me thanks