Sold [WTS] Banu Merchantman ($450) and Anvil Carrack ($400)

Discussion in 'Star Citizen Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/jetblack7789, 11/25/24.

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  1. /u/jetblack7789

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    • Payment through Paypal Invoices
    • Other Ships and CCUs are also available, just Chat or PM me

    I have a large number of old, $0 CCU's I'd like to use. I have multiple of each of these:

    Price, $
    3 Anvil Carrack LTI (CCU'd from Crucible)​
    5 Anvil Carrack LTI (CCU'd from Hull D)​
    10 Banu Merchantman LTI (CCU'd from Redeemer)​

    Happy to answer questions about these or about the other $0 CCU's I have. I'm new to selling but will respond as quickly as I am able. Sorry for the typo in the tittle, BMM is $425 not $450!

    # #/jetblack7789
    # .
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