Sold WTS AWE 86 Blue Dragon

Discussion in 'Age of Wushu Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by baron909, 12/2/17.

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  1. baron909

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    Internal skills: AWE 86, Icy 75, 5e 75, Purple 64, the rest 36 to 48
    Yin 225
    Emie 216, DWP 144
    WV 216
    BG 216
    WD 180, ATS 216
    Scholar 216, hua 180 ( 2nd inner 59/63)
    Others 180

    -2 items for c7 jade set
    c6 jade battlefield set + red amor item
    c7 + c6 jade weapons

    100 Trans, wild fist full set lvl 6
    Taichi combo lvl 11 , 20% bracer
    ADC full set with charges, rage lvl 8
    GSS set lvl 3, no parry skill
    ADBS full set lvl 3
    Snow sword lvl 6-8, rage lvl 9 , 20% rage weapon
    9p, curled, budda palm, more...

    Cash: 8.7ding in acct

    contact discord : Min#2288
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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