Internal skills: AWE 86, Icy 75, 5e 75, Purple 64, the rest 36 to 48 Meridians: Yin 225 Emie 216, DWP 144 WV 216 BG 216 WD 180, ATS 216 Scholar 216, hua 180 ( 2nd inner 59/63) Others 180 Gears: -2 items for c7 jade set c6 jade battlefield set + red amor item c7 + c6 jade weapons Skills: 100 Trans, wild fist full set lvl 6 Taichi combo lvl 11 , 20% bracer ADC full set with charges, rage lvl 8 GSS set lvl 3, no parry skill ADBS full set lvl 3 Snow sword lvl 6-8, rage lvl 9 , 20% rage weapon 9p, curled, budda palm, more... Cash: 8.7ding in acct contact discord : Min#2288