Selling WTS Archeage Alpha Gold/In game items! NA Server!

Discussion in 'Archeage Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 8/1/15.

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  1. Games

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    Taking Offers on Alpha gold and gilda star Item designs!!!

    Will be farming items for cash when game releases as well, let me know items you all want to pay for $$!

    PM or contact via skype: Jevans_119


    Gold Farming takes quite abit of time in this game, Mainly switching for Gilda star designs and other rare items in the game. If your interested in Merchant ship designs, fishing boat designs etc... Please contact me, gold sales are limited. 300-400g for 50$ is a waste of time for me. Contact me for Item inquires for the time being.

    I've recently had alot of interest in Fishing Boats and Merchant ship designs, The merchant ship takes an estimated 6-8 hours to succesfully run the trade packs, and double that for the fishing boat design. To make it work my time,

    I've set the price currently to make it work my time, and these are Made to order, non will be in stock.

    Merchant ship: 70$ USD

    and Fishing boat: 140$ USD

    These could take you all constant more hours to farm yourself.

    Any other "Trade pack" route items in need of contact me we can talk time and cash.

    So you don't have gold to sell?

    Ill buy gold
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