Selling wts arch age archeum alpha 2 50s w/ glyph account including rift characters

Discussion in 'Archeage Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 8/1/15.

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  1. Games

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    account includes 2 50s in alpha most skill trees leveled to 50 including geared daggerspell/trickster with library costume.

    have 16x16 on temperate island 50 gold plus mats and each 50 has a clipper.

    40k fishing proficiency/65 k tailoring

    account also comes with level 60 decent raid geared rift character with 4k plat.

    account also has level 30 daggerspell in beta with land and yatas placed in arid climate.

    looking for no less than 200 us. please pm me here and we can talk on skype.

    Yes, this is 50 dollars more than the package but you are getting a geared alpha toon plus level 50 alt and beta toon set up with land, that being said beta and alpha will last a few more months (min) and combine that with the rift account I will not back down from $200.00. pay pal gift only and unless repped you will go first.

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