WTS AR60 Europe - stopped playing at 4.4 - 19 5* char, name your price - paypal/revolut

Discussion in 'Genshin Impact Other Accounts | Genshin Impact Accounts Sale' started by /u/Dziki_Falcon, 2/27/25.

  1. /u/Dziki_Falcon

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    EUROPE - AR60, still have some sidequest + hangouts to do, not all regions on 100% (a lot of them are, some is 80/90%+), stopped playing after 4.4 patch.

    908 achievements, 27kk mora, 1300 hero wit, 50 fragile resin, 8500 mystic enchancement ore.


    5* characters:

    Xiao C0 (10/10/10) 90 lvl,

    Furina C1 (6/9/9) 90 lvl,

    Xianyun C0 (6/9/9) 90 lvl,

    Navia C0 (6/8/7) 90 lvl,

    Albedo C1 (1/6/6) 90 lvl,

    Zhongli C0 (1/9/7) 90 lvl,

    Kazuha C0 (6/9/9) 90 lvl,

    Jean C1 (6/6/8) 90 lvl,

    Raiden Shogun C0 (9/9/9) 90 lvl,

    Nahida C0 (9/9/10) 90 lvl,

    Nilou C0 (1/8/8) 90 lvl,

    Yelan C1 (4/9/9) 90 lvl,

    Childe C0 (10/10/10) 90 lvl,

    Qiqi C3 (5/6/10) 90 lvl,

    Venti C0 (2/6/6) 80/90 lvl,

    Diluc C2 (6/7/6) 80 lvl,

    Tighnari C0 (1/1/1) 20/40 lvl,

    Mona C0 (1/1/1) 20/40 lvl,

    Klee C0 (1/1/1) 20/40 lvl.

    5* weapons:

    Skyward Harp R1 90 lvl,

    A Thousand Floating Dreams R1 90 lvl,

    Primordial Jade Winged-Spear R1 90 lvl,

    Staff of Homa R1 90 lvl,

    Key of Khaj-Nisut R1 90 lvl,

    Aquilla Favonia R1 90 lvl,

    Amos' Bow R1 80 lvl,

    Lost Prayer of Sacred Winds R1 60 lvl,

    Skyward Spine R1 20 lvl.

    4* characters:

    Faruzan C6 (1/12/12) 90 lvl,

    Diona C3 (1/7/10) 90 lvl,

    Fischl C6 (6/11/10) 90 lvl,

    YaoYao C6 (1/11/11) 90 lvl,

    Xingqiu C6 (1/11/11) 90 lvl,

    Bennett C6 (6/9/13) 90 lvl,

    Xiangling C6 (6/12/13) 90 lvl,

    Sucrose C6 (2/8/8) 90 lvl,

    Kuki Shinobu C4 (1/4/1) 20/40 lvl,

    Barbara C6 (1/7/7) 60/70 lvl,

    Noelle C5 (1/4/4) 50/60 lvl,

    Razor C2 (2/1/1) 50/60 lvl,

    Mika C0 (1/1/1) 40/50 lvl,

    Chevreuse C1 (1/1/1) 40 lvl,

    Yun Jin C3 (1/1/4) 20/40 lvl,

    Ningguang C6 (1/4/4) 20/40 lvl,

    Lynette C6 (1/4/4) 20/40 lvl,

    Shikanoin Heizou C4 (1/4/1) 20/40 lvl,

    Sayu C2 (1/1/1) 20/40 lvl,

    Charlotte C3 (1/1/4) 20/40 lvl,

    Freminet C4 (4/1/1) 20/40 lvl,

    Layla C6 (1/4/4) 20/40 lvl,

    Rosaria C4 (1/4/4) 20/40 lvl,

    Chongyun C0 (1/1/1) 20/40 lvl,

    Kaeya C3 (1/4/1) 20/40 lvl,

    Dori C6 (1/4/4) 20/40 lvl,

    Kujou Sara C6 (1/4/4) 20/40 lvl,

    Beidou C6 (1/4/4) 20/40 lvl,

    Lisa C2 (1/1/1) 20/40 lvl,

    Kaveh C1 (1/1/1) 20/40 lvl,

    Collei C5 (1/4/4) 20/40 lvl,

    Candace C4 (1/1/4) 20/40 lvl,

    Gaming C4 (1/4/1) 20/40 lvl,

    Yanfei C2 (1/1/1) 20/40 lvl,

    Xinyan C0 (1/1/1) 20/40 lvl,

    Amber C3 (1/1/4) 20/40 lvl.

    4* leveled weapons (90 lvl only):

    Sacrificial Bow R5,

    The Stringless R5,

    Favonius Warbow R5,

    Flowing Purity R2,

    The Widsith R5,

    The Catch R5,

    Favonius Lance R2,

    Dragon's Bane R2,

    Serpent Spire R2,

    Festering Desire R5,

    Iron Sting R1,

    Sacrificial Sword R5,

    Favonius Sword R5,

    Favonius Sword R3,

    + a lot more under 90lvl.

    # #/Dziki_Falcon
    . .
    #1 /u/Dziki_Falcon, 2/27/25
    Last edited by a moderator: 3/1/25
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