Selling WTS AoW Blue Dragon Tangmen

Discussion in 'Age of Wushu Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Jaylan Smith, 8/3/16.

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  1. Jaylan Smith

    Jaylan Smith
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    I am selling a male char on BD
    Gear: Gold Class 5 Bracers,Leggings,Clothes, Pants
    Gold C3 Headwear
    Inners: Tangmen 1st inner Level 22, NLD 1st lvl 3, NLD 2nd 22, Mt Hua 1st lvl 6, Mt Hua 2nd lvl 17, Self Recollection lvl 42, Frigid Ice chi lvl 42, Chaotic Yuan lvl 13
    Power EV, almost Infall. Can easily beat Matchless
    Skills: Shallow Kung **, Arhat Fist, Demon Heart Chain Hand. Mantis Fist, Green Cloud Palm, Dragon Subduing Slap, Defeated Scholar, Dragon and Tiger Overlord Fist, Dance of Celestial Magic, Sunset Sword Skill, Breeze Sword, Stranger, Winds of Fury, Golden Snake Sting, Soul Stealing Sting of Intrigue, Rouge Blood,
    Flying Skills: All minus Gecko on the wall
    Meridians: 4-36 2-72 1-180
    Bonus: Vip for the next 11 Days, Sorrow of Love next 5 Days, Windrider next 5 hrs,

    Any reasonable offers considered, I have 2 Cash sets and Vip level 4 so plz dont lowball me I have spent over 300$ on this game

    Contact me at: [email protected]
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