Sold WTS Age of Wulin account Beggar unprecedented incognito

Discussion in 'Age of Wushu Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Sankoukai, 5/8/17.

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  1. Sankoukai

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    Beggar sect unprecedented incognito

    Beggar 4/5th 49
    Blood blade 41/43
    Sunset 43/46
    Toad Style 55/64
    Wuwang 18/18


    Emei 180
    Bv 144
    Beggar 180
    Wudang 144
    Tang 180
    Royal Guard 180
    Scholar 144
    Shaolin 180
    Blood blade 94/108


    Dog beating staff 6-8
    Ancient dragon claw all skills lvl 3, rage lvl 6
    Ancient taichi rage 3 and bubble
    Finger copy
    Kung ** 14
    Kuixing kick 11
    Vagrant saber 11
    and many other, mp for precision

    Cash shop sets:

    Shura blade
    Buddha palm
    Heavenly dance
    Lightening demon's staff
    Iron head
    Eight drunk immortal
    Mozi sword
    Nine palace
    Burning yang
    Touch of colour
    Eigh lotus-breaking moves
    Eight trigrams staff
    Cross soul chasing staff

    Weapon manuals:

    Bare hand: 194
    Single sabre: 295
    Single sword: 86
    Twin Sabres: 130
    Twin spike 194
    Short staff: 244


    Jade cook short staff c6
    Jade Sabre blacksmith c5
    Jade Twin Spike blacksmith c5
    Jade Twin Sabres blacksmith c5 (20% shura blade rage)
    Gold Sword blacksmith with 3star lore golden greatsword
    Gold Staff cook c5

    All jade c6 except of Wrist guard gold (20% atc rage and 20% adc rage switching)
    1 Earring jade c5 and 2 rings jade c5
    Atc rage annotation book
    Adc rage annotation book
    and other good cs skills

    Mp if you have questions about this character, leave offers
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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