This sorc is on lake of tears, it has over 124kgold, limited edition founder status, as well as a limited edition tawny huntress mount skill book, and unused tawny huntress skill book. There is also a level 52 warrior, a level 40 beserker and a level 34 lancer, along with other low level alts. In addition the sorc has the Pet plant, the lancer has a pet Rambo, and there is an unused Pet Candy spinner skill book in the bank. Further more it has an ilevel of 159 and has a pvp(Master worked conjunct weapon, chest, bloodrave gloves one pvp ring) and pve set. Plenty of extras crytsals, crystal binds, and lots of mats for crafting along with 12 mes. It has full reputation with agnitor, jax, unified, Shariar, (trusted ) Hands of Velika, and Vlsekyr Hunt. And much more. I will accept payments through paypal only, after I have received the payment I will fork over all account details, etc. I am looking for 400 dollars but I am willing to negotiate.