Account comes with the following: 150+ days of premium Weapons: Colby PMG Mk 4, N-HVR 243 'Scout' RT1, Colby M-1922 Mk3, Scoped N-TEC 5 PR2, N-HVR 243 'Scout' PR2, ACT 44 "Last Stand". Weapon Skins: Hazard, Otome Neko Vehicles: Cisco Z180 "New-Cross" Four OPEN character slots Criminal character rank 200+ on EU1 with the following character bound items: Weapons: JG-840 Weapon skins: Green, Magenta, Fireball, Glow in the dark, HighTech Vehicles: Patriot Vegas G24 Vehicle kits: Charge Mikro, Bishada Rapier Clothing: Halo, Cherub Wings, Army Belt, Beret, Devil Horns, Eye Patch, Hand Wraps, Heart Glasses, Knife in the Head, Pumpkin Mask, Santa Hat + Paramilitary Bonus Pack, Impact Bonus Pack. On my estimate all these things are worth about 20k+ g1c. I will therefor be asking for 340 EUR. .;