WTS account on cyp

Discussion in 'Archlord Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 8/3/14.

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  1. Facebook

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    Hello, I may sell my account on C server. Its hunter lv 62 with good build, poison top and bottoms got nice xbow. Some lil cc left on it. We can make cc deal as well if the offer is nice. I got 2 accounts lv8x not looking for a scamm on someone.

    [Cyripus]WTS Blode, Karkaen, Barom ...

    WTS : Blodes Karkaens Baroms

    WTS shuta ring brunhart

    sell shuta ring( int lv3 ) $90,00 Payment Method : PayPal

    [Guide]How To Play Webzen AL

    This is probably the wrong section but who care's. Theres free methods and those aren't selling stuff so anyways here. 1.Download the Beta Client from Archlord.webzen 2.If you do the 4 part dll, Rename them to Archlord-1a.bin, Archlord-1b.bin, Archlord-1c.bin 3.Install it and run it on firefox 4.It'll ask you to install starter or w.e. Do it 5.You'll notice that you can't start it later. Nothing happens when you click game start. 6.Go to firefox menu's tool's -> Options -> Advanced -> Network -> Settings -> Manual Proxy. 7.Type in an IP with a port 8080 and type that in your firefox proxy. 8.Click use proxy for all products and press Ok. 9.Press start game and there you have it :) Here's a picture guide of Firefox proxy : ***************************************************** Take note that if you close firefox, you'll have to do this again. Please thank me if i helped ^^. Add me in game on Webzen's Archlord : World Tullan (Only 1 atm) Name : Psycho

    GAIAHON unik at sell
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