Selling {WTS} A.V.A account / 100+ skinned weapons / 1st luit. 4th class

Discussion in 'Alliance of Valiant Arms Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by 大麻THCanAレク, 10/13/16.

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  1. 大麻THCanAレク

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    >has 5 different perm Masks (VVIP Mask, Overider Emperor, Frogman Mask, VVIP Skull & Snow Fox Mask)
    > 2 different Character skins (cyber Priest , Marek VVIP) | 10+ Perm skinned knifed including pirate sword, Liquid blade, dotanuki etc.
    >17 Perm pistols including: Lugar P-08 Dragoon, Raging Judge 28, Flying V, HK45 Gold Era etc.
    >25 perm Skinned pointman weapons including: P90 Apocalypse, AUG A2 Prudence, AKS74-U Fullmoon, SG556 Snow camo etc.
    >30+ Rare Rifleman weapons including: Tar-21 Cherry, XCR Cyber DIomedes, G36 Platinum, M16A4 Absolute Machine, XM8 Silvermoon, M14 Fullmoon, AK74 Nobility, M4A1 Asa Thor, etc.
    >22+ perm skin Sniper Rifles including: M24S Medal of Valor, FRF2 Legend, FRF2 Blackdragon, Mosin Nagant Engraving, DTA SRS cosmic, DSR-1 Altan, M40A5 Warhorse, PGM Snowflake, SV-98 OMON etc.

    K/D : 1.24
    wins: 1125
    Loses: 825

    still playing it til someones wants to buy it
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