Hello everyone! I have a bunch of OC LTI Ships in my buybacks that I'm looking to get rid of since right now I could use the money instead of the ships just sitting there. All of them are OC LTI and majority of them include the OC Chairman's Club Paint but not all of them. Thank you for taking the time to read this! (EDITED: PRICES ADJUSTED AFTER CONDUCTING GREYMARKET PRICE COMPARISONS.) -OC LTI Drake Corsair with Name Reservation - $400 -OC LTI Zeus ES Mk II with Solstice Paint - $200 -OC Drake Ironclad Assault with Dauntless Paint - $520 -OC LTI Tumbril Storm with Summit Paint - $105 -OC LTI Drake Dragonfly Yellowjacket - $80 - OC LTI Drake Cutter Rambler - $80 -OC LTI Kruger P-72 Archimedes Emerald - $80 -OC LTI Gatac Syulen with Tao'Moa Paint - $100 -OC LTI Anvil Centurion with Beachhead Paint -$125 # #/SnooLobsters983 # .