Sold [WTS] 8 Ball Pool Coins - Cheap - Legit - Trusted Seller

Discussion in 'Rust Account for Sale - Buy Rust Accounts' started by ashrafohm, 3/11/17.

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  1. ashrafohm

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    Hello, I'm new here, but not new in trading, I'm an old trader and have enough proofs for feedback

    I'm selling 8 ball pool coins

    price: 1 million = 50 cent

    minimum order: 10 million (5$) - for big orders, great discounts when we make a deal

    available amount: any amount up to 1000 million (one Billion coins)

    payment method: paypal, skrill, westernunion, moneygram

    how does this work: contact me to make a deal , after payment you send your login details to your account and I do the transfer myself


    you take a new account with the amount u ordered .. both available

    contact: whatsapp: (00201118787658), fb: (Ashraf Mohi El Deen), SKYPE: (ashrafohm)

    Warranty: 48 hours

    Proof: attached screenshot

    Great service after sale

    Attached Images
    #1 ashrafohm, 3/11/17
    Last edited by a moderator: 2/10/19
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