WTS 7k asia account level 93 $300 Want to Sell Prime account, first hand Never use bot or third party application Data is safe 100% Server Asia Ign : WaterMoccasin Guild : DRAKE Level : 93 Mastery : MAX Formation : MAX Arena : master tier 4600 - 4900++ (Without boosting rubies) GVG dan ToA : no problem, many lv 40 heroes with more than 50++ 27spd weapon Raid : can solo a lv 99 dg with single run (dellons + jupy as DD) Auto score 1.5m - 2.2m guaranteed top 3 dps Payment : paypal, bank transfer No data first, no hit and run Ace 40 Lubu 38 SunWukong 40 Rin 40 Teo 36 Karma 36 (soon 38 from chessboard. Already 63/90) Rudy 40 Dellons 40 Eileene 40 Jave 34 Rachel 34 Kris 34 Spike 36 All sena have anniversary costume Almost all sena and lords are using awakened dragon equipts (best tier in the game!) Evan dan Karin both awakened Klahan still on progress U can check the rest of heroes and gears by simply visit me in game, cek my IGN : WaterMoccasin If u interested, u can contact me via : whatsapp : +6288801114948 (WA only, no sms no tlp) Line : .purplegoat01 http://graph.Facebook..com/385228491831269/picture