[WTS] 7 Million SP Gallente Pilot ($50)

Discussion in 'Eve Online Accounts For Sale' started by Eve Online, 4/20/12.

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  1. Eve Online

    Eve Online
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    7m+ SP Awesome Gallente monster

    For sale is an awesome gallente pilot geared mostly toward drones and tanking , but can dps well with guns
    Comes with NO SHIPS ( But i will include 100m ) so you can buy whatever you choose , mega if you like guns or domi if you like drones
    Skills are as follow

    Char can now use tech 2 HEAVY DRONES and is doing drone interfacing V
    60 days to ishtar 90 to carrier / supercarrier

    ****Account is paid till end of may !!!! ***
    numbers / points / char is blotted out for security purposes , feel free to ask questions
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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