Sold WTS 65 Monk with 225 AA, Epic 1.0, Elemental Flags - $275

Discussion in 'EverQuest Accounts for Sale - Buy Sell EQ Account' started by RoamingMerchant, 12/21/24 at 1:43 PM.

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  1. RoamingMerchant

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    I am leaving the game and liquidating this account.
    This character is pretty stripped down. There is an Epic 1.0, Battle Fists and 1-2 Kr of ATK gear left

    This is not a PL character so it as all appropriate skills and clickies from POP including the 25 attack click and Overhaste click
    The Monk has its Epic 1.0
    There are currently 225 AA spent
    It has 2 store bought 40 slot bags
    Has a 75 Speed mount

    This character is flagged through Elemental Planes ( Not Earth B )

    I am the original owner...

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    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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