WTS: 60 Guardian Mage and 60 Defiant Warrior

Discussion in 'Rift Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Rift, 10/1/13.

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  1. Rift

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    I am interested in selling my Mage and Warrior. Also includes a 40 rogue, and the account has the special editions of Rift and Storm Legion. Mage has 448 hit and 3 pieces of raid gear right now. Lycinni lessers are bought, and torvan rep is 20k away. Have the nebula from last event. I am currently running about 13k dps in raids as warlock and 12k dps as ele. Warrior has 424 hit in DPS gear and 400 Toughness in Tank gear. Have the spider and aurora for last event. Has done TDQ twice, but otherwise just been running experts. Any info feel free to email me. Selling for best offer. Plan on quitting game but will be playing until sold.
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