Sold WTS 60 epic mage & 60 paladin

Discussion in 'EverQuest Accounts for Sale - Buy Sell EQ Account' started by Seiko2233, 7/9/24.

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  1. Seiko2233

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    60 mage with epic- has tower gear 7/7 with pet focus earring, Ot hammer, Nro and WW clickies, 2 xp pots left in inventory, 3 40 slot bags, Ring of the ancients to get jboots, 5.7k in plat, vp keyed- original owener cant give access to email but can change it. no 2fa set up. Sub is good thru 8/18/24- asking 350

    60 paladin-full set of tower gear 7/7 mix of valuriom and other gear, has jeldorin, 4 40 slot bags, most of his spells, 8 rez tokens and 7 xp pots, j boots- 2700 dbc with 500 more...

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