Sold WTS 60 Enchanter - Dagnors Clicky, x2 40slot bags - Active til 10/25! $50

Discussion in 'EverQuest Accounts for Sale - Buy Sell EQ Account' started by pandemonium, 9/26/24.

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  1. pandemonium

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    WTS 60 High Elf Enchanter on Teek - $50 Paypal FnF

    -Exp pots
    -Dagnors Cauldron TP clicky
    -500 daybreak cash ready to claim
    -Has two 40 slot 100% reduction bags from launch, Teek bag and Tormax bag
    -Has about 50k plat
    -Fungus covered scale tunic
    -8/8 Tower Armor pieces and mana regen augs
    -Epic Items - Head of a Prince, Spoon
    -Other pieces of gear in bags
    -Has most spells but would need some
    -Keyed to the fourth Sky Island
    -lightly twinked low level...

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    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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