Hello, I sell already one acount on this website(one lol account) and want to sell one of this game. More precision about my stuff. FREE SERVER SWAP: s://tera-support.enmasse/app...another-server Still in tera club I paid for one month(more than the half are still available) of tera club with bonus: book to tp everywhere, money and reputation of the twenty quest *2, one hour of xp/money win *2 and one fast horse. PVE: Agnitor stuff already up to +9/+10 and 3 pieces are available to rush +12(are luxed) only the bust is not +12 yet. Money: around 3k + lot of craft stuff in bank, few gold t14. Craft, extraction,...: Max level on extraction for all kind of extraction. Craftsmanship: level max in weapons:lvl410(swords, axe not bow) level max in alchimie:lvl 350(can made pot and best scroll all reciepe for the berseker) level max in armors:lvl 410(plate not leather) harvest/extraction: Level 300 for stone Level 300 for sun essence Level 300 for flowers Reputation: Agnitor: max level Jax: max level Allementhia: max level others not max yet but almost and that go very quick with tera club and the possibility of 20 quests each day. PVE t13 enchanted +9 for important part of stuff ( axe and gloves) others are only basic pvp t13. SKILLS I've up all my skills with temple of temerity so you can set more skills than a basic berseker who just arrived at lvl 60. Price I'll take the best offer and i want at least 15