Sold WTS 58 Dwarf Hunter (Molten Core Attuned) on Dreamscythe server US

Discussion in 'EverQuest Accounts for Sale - Buy Sell EQ Account' started by Oddjob, 3/1/25 at 2:03 AM.

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  1. Oddjob

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    Selling my 58 Hunter US account on dreamscythe. He has basic gear and the dwarf cannon for range weapon plus like 36g, some stuff in bags/bank you could sell as well
    Giving up WoW and account is pretty old. Has some other toons on live but haven't played there in a long time, some toons on SoD but not listing all that stuff.
    Asking 300 for the 58 Hunter on dreamscythe server. Account is active until March 3rd then needs a resub
    This is a US account, and you will get secret answer to make the...

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    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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