Sold [WTS]$565 in Store Credit @ 60% (via Mole $315 melt value & Corsair $250 melt value) - $339

Discussion in 'Star Citizen Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/electricblanket, 12/28/24.

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  1. /u/electricblanket

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    I've got 2 ships up for sale; PayPal Invoice only to verified PayPal buyer.

    I'd be willing to sell them separately, but would prefer to sell them together.

    1x Aurora ES CCU'd to Mole ($315 melt value) - $189

    1x Aurora ES CCU'd to Corsair ($250 melt value) - $150

    Both ships would be $339.

    Each ship comes with 6 months insurance if you're keeping them as ships.


    # #/electricblanket
    # .
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