Sold [WTS] 550 Credits @ 60% ($330)

Discussion in 'Star Citizen Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/MigookChelovek, 11/25/24.

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  1. /u/MigookChelovek

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    Will be sold in the form of a MISC Hull D, upgraded from a HoverQuad Standalone w/ LTI.

    • Melt Value: $545.00
    • Price (You pay): $330.00

    Please private message me and include a quick comment below letting me know a PM has been sent.

    • RSI Verified users ONLY
    • Payment via PayPal Invoice ONLY
      • PayPal transaction fees for the sale will be covered by me, the seller

    *This is a digital asset for the game Star Citizen. This does not include a Star Citizen Game package itself, which is required to gain access to the PU. Once price is agreed upon, please PM me your 1) PayPal email, 2) your RSI Handle, AND 3) your RSI email if it is different from your PayPal email. Invoice will include a photo as well as a description of the pledge. Please review thoroughly before paying as all sales are final once pledge is gifted and claimed.

    # #/MigookChelovek
    # .
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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