Sold WTS: 50 Ranger - $150.00

Discussion in 'EverQuest Accounts for Sale - Buy Sell EQ Account' started by Kromax2021, 7/6/24.

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  1. Kromax2021

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    Good Morning, I'm currently selling my 50 Ranger. He is geared up, here is a list of rotatable items.

    -Pearly Sarnak Bauble
    -Hierophant's cloak
    -Thorney Vine Helm
    -Tribal War Boots
    -Ivyshae Blade
    -Fingerbone Hoop
    -Lamentation (+ additional weapons in bags for preference.. Jagged Blade of Mourning, Fluxbladed Axe)
    -Sarnak Battle Shield

    Misc. things.
    -Tolans Helm (Superior Camo Clicky)
    -Tolans arms (Dot clicky)
    -Tolans bracer (summon arrows clicky)
    -Account has a claimable...

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