46 RNG on Siel has Betoni bow +1 merged with Kaligas bow, Shadesteeped leather pants(gold 41), lvl 30 PVP rings, flash body +10, 5% atk speed gloves, 20% speed boots, the rest blues. Has 291 atk 469 crit. Stigmas are BoB, Focused shots, Beastial fury, Explosive arrow, sleep arrow, silence 4. Also has snare trap in bank. Roughly 4m kinah on char. 43 SIN on Zikel, has Kaliga dagger/Dagger of the judge+1 5%atk speed gloves, 20% atk speed boots, rest of the gear is blue, most acc are green but blue head/neck. Has Flurry, Ambush4, aethertwising, eye of wrath stigmas. Also has 21 temp but nothing special about it. Any questions let me know, im OO of the account.