Sold WTS 45 Gunner 470gs Eu account Andromeda+ 38 Ele

Discussion in 'Elyon Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Artexo, 11/7/21.

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  1. Artexo

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    2 Characters on this Account:
    - 45 Gunner 470 gs, around 30% exp
    - 38 Ele
    More then 1,5. Mill gold, account has breakthrough chest +10 (very good for pvp), main weapon +10 and all other items at least +8 ( only the underwear is a bt +4 and offhand is+7)
    Luminus is the yellow arrow one, perfekt for gunner, lv 3. Also theres one more lv 3 luminus so next week you can upgrade the yellow arrow with the other lv3 + a lv2 from next week reset and have a 75% chance to upgrade it to lv 4...

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    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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