Sold [WTS] 300+ unique 5 - Day 1 account

Discussion in 'Fire Emblem Heroes Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/nortonlolimut, 3/17/21.

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  1. /u/nortonlolimut

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    So, I'm separating myself from my FEH account because I desperately need money right now and I'm not having fun with this game anymore.

    My account has 304 5☆ lv40 unique characters, among those more than half are 5☆ exclusives. Most notable characters are +10 Masked Marth, Xander, Reinhardt and Cecilia, +8 Camus and +7 Sonya who has a weird habit of popping on free summons even when she's not on the banner. I could list other heroes I have but instead I'll let you see that spreadsheet I made in which all of my unique 5☆ heroes are listed, with merges, boons/banes, current blessings and all inherited skills I gave them : Also, as you will see on the pictures below, I have a few more 5☆ units I didn't even train or I'm keeping as fodder. Those units include three Idunns, a Legendary Celica, a Winter Tharja and three Distant Counter fodders (Hríd, Nailah, Hector).

    Account has never been # or softbanned, barracks limit is currently 550, all of the sacred seals are upgraded to at least rank 2 and some of the most useful are rank 3. Only missing accessories are those from the forging bonds A Time to Shine, a few Rokkr accessories, and most golden ones. Tier 19 in arena and 11 in Aether Raids but as I'm losing interest in the game that shouldn't be a surprise. As for the game itself, there's a few orbs and feathers to gain with tactic drills and chain challenges.

    Album :

    Of course I will provide more screenshots on demand if you want proof of skill inheritances on specific units and the like.

    I will let go the account for $700 but I'm open to negotiations. Make me an offer and I'll consider it if it's interesting enough.

    # #/nortonlolimut
    # .
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