Sold [WTS] 2 Warframe Accounts | End-Game and OP Newbie

Discussion in 'Warframe Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by ikrzy, 11/11/17.

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  1. ikrzy

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    Er can't seem to upload the MR11 photos, maybe file too big - check the imgur (15+ pictures i think)
    Hey playerup, I'll be selling 2 Warframe accounts that have been personally leveled by me, so no-one has else has been on the account. The only payment type that I'll be taking is Paypal €. Also, I won't be going first unless you're decently repped and you're account is atleast 6 months old... Addtionally, I'm find with a middleman, but YOU will be paying for it and only if he's from this site "".
    I'm also pretty sure warframe does not accept email changes, but you can change password to whatever you want. SINCE THESE ACCOUNTS HAVE NO PLATINUM ON THEM - I WILL ADD 200 PLATINUM FOR A NAME CHANGE FOR 1€ EXTRA

    First Account: Mastery 11 High End

    This account has quite a lot of love you on it. Some arcanes, alot of colour palletes and aesthetics, prime mods, rivens, almost all warframe corrupted mods and some very rare stances and mods such as Tempo Royale, Crash Course and many more. This account also has a limited time weapon called "Ignis Wraith" (basically a flame thrower) and “Supra Vandal”. Oh and alot of OP Scupltures.
    I'll list the frames and weapons here but you can see them in the following pictures: Ash Prime, Banshee, Exaclibur, Frost Prime, Ivara, Limbo, Loki Prime, Mesa, Mirage, Nekros, Nekros Prime (In foundry to build), Nova Prime, Oberon, Rhino, Saryn Prime, Trinity Prime, Valkyr, Volt Prime and Wukong, Odonata Prime, Odonata, Itzal.
    There’s a lot of weapons and sentinels so I’ll name the “decent” ones: Broken War, Dual Cleavers, Dual Kamas Prime, Hate, Hirudo, Mios, Nikana Prime, Orthos Prime, Scindo Prime (TEMPO ROYALE) and Secura Lecta. Boltor Prime, Burston Prime, Cernos Prime, Dread, Ignis Wraith, Mutalist Cernos, Paris Prime, Soma Prime, Supra Vandal and Tonkor. Azima (100 Day Reward), Bronco Prime, Despair, Dual Toxoxyst, Lux Prime.
    Also some goodies in inventory include: 2x Mutalist Alad V Coordinates, bunch of rare materials, 2 Rivens, Arcanes, Prime Mods, Zenurik Focus, Multiple Lenses, bunch of colour palletes. Anyways, if you want pictures and more details check pictures below.

    Here is an imgur link:

    Second Account: Master7 Newbie but OP

    This account has some pretty good vaulted prime frames for a newbie!
    Warframes: Frost Prime, Mag Prime, Nekros, Nyx Prime, Rhino Prime and Loki Prime (In Foundry need warframe slot).

    Weapons: Dakra Prime, Orthos Prime, Reaper Prime, Scindo, Boar Prime, Boltor Prime, Braton Prime, Latron Prime, Paris Prime, Prisma Gorgon, Quanta Vandal, Tonkor, Hikou Prime, Synoid Gammacor. Carrier, Dethcube and Shade aswell as 2 Kubrows.

    Others: Ohyeah, this account has a love you tonne of resources for a newbie: 21 Gallium, 28 Morphics, 47 Neurodes, 91 Orokin Cells, 17 Orokin Ciphers (just to name a few).

    Here is an imgur link:

    Contact Info SKYPE: mindbro999 | *******: RaveByte #2418
    Make sure to message me on skype or playerup with your contact info incase someone else is using my name.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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