Selling WTS 2 accs: 1) * War 5/6 t4 blue (have gems for...

Discussion in 'Order and Chaos Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Dasha Kolesnik, 5/11/16.

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  1. Dasha  Kolesnik

    Dasha Kolesnik
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    WTS 2 accs: 1) * War 5/6 t4 blue (have gems for this), full s3 (4 lvl + candies), 6 lvl gem, oracular axes, chakram Tank full t4 (4 6 7 lvl) oracular shield Need only t3+ milli chest from fml for pet Gunnar, 3/4 angel vanity * Heal 5/6 t3, t4+, 500/600 prof. Have 4 lvl gems, 6 lvl gem, have sigil, have cores, easy doing 7 lvl Milli some t3, t4+, have 4 lvl gems * fk full t4 dd (4 lvl + candies), have tear for legend, need only halberd 2) * heal 7700+ gs, full t4 (4 5 lvl + candies), full s3 (4 lvl), 6 7 lvl gems, oracular zitrin, needle Milli full t4 blue, enlightened dadao, t3+, t4+, have 4 lvl gems + candies Need only vtl fist for pet Gunnar * assa full t4 (head and shoulders not crafted), t4+ 4 lvl gemmed + candies, 5 6 7 lvl gems (dagger) Archer full t4 blue, have 4 lvl + candies for this, have sigil and bow, need only cores Enlightened daggers and bow, have 15 jades, so need only some pearls for oracular T4- 2 daggers and 2 swords Vaniti Reborn Zargis's Soul * fk full t4 tank (candies) Fox, up fox On heal and assa 4/5 permits, ghost chinchilla, many 3 rank mounts ANDROID STONE ISLAND 1) 80$ or 70€ 2) 140$ or 120€ Can make video, screenshots in pm
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  2. OP
    Dasha  Kolesnik

    Dasha Kolesnik
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    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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