WTS 1800 HON acount TONS of avatars and much much more

Discussion in 'Heroes of Newerth Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 8/13/14.

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  1. Facebook

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    Hello today i am selling my acount that comes with tons of avatars announcers and name colors and plus on top of that i just bought a sub acount that comes with it so if u want to practice before u play agiasnt high rated players u got a second acount to do that with

    the acount comes with 1000 silver and 20 gold

    for the avatars i have most limited edition 7 deadly sin and ultimate avatars RA and swiftblade

    thanks for reading

    contact me on skype


    post before contacting please

    post before contacting please

    bump online contact on skype

    bump on skype

    bump still for sale on skype

    bump on skype

    bump now have 85 percent of avatars this includes limited edition gold edition and holiday edition contact on skype

    bump still for sale got a couple new avatars contact on skype
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