gear: 40 dmg sig orb +8 (was +11 and only pc sig weapon on the server) pc mystic boots and gloves +9 boots +8 gloves +8 pc osm suit pc rate helm eos7 merg ring rol2 aop5 max hp rune and some other runes that arnt that important: k red board lvl 10 pet (well lvl9 but its 96%) bos6 x2 pretty good dronsin earrings and a 30 dmg lapis orb +9 message me on here buyout price is $1500 usd dont get upset about the buyout price -_- just start bidding min bid is $500 venus server happy bidding 1500$ ? in EU you can buy enough alz to have 2x mith orb 40% + full mith amp with that kind of money. i think ur overpricing it,just my 2 cents. gl selling it is rol+2 char bound/acc bound same for sig orb you can get like 19b on na venus with 1500 euros from alz sites lol wtf did i say i said dont get upset about the ******* buyout price just bid and yes the sig orb is char bound so is the rol2 bump bump First to offer me 800 usd gets it