Sold WTS +15 IMP Gunner (MT) 431 item level and Conflate sorc (FF) 425 $165

Discussion in 'TERA Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by TheGoldenOne, 11/26/16.

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  1. TheGoldenOne

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    Gunner has:
    +15 Imperator gun Energetic Etchtched
    +15 Imperator boots Endurance Etched
    +12 Conflate armor Endurance Etched
    +12 Conflate Gloves Energetic Etched
    Conflate belt Perfect rolls
    Empowered brooch (40 power)
    PERFECT pvp rolls on all (HIGH TIER) jewels 4 power 0.04 crit power (highest dps build)
    3!! yellow inners! Crit 16 power 8 and endurance 9s
    OVER 20 cosmetics (body) and plenty head and face as well
    3 elite weapon skins INClUDiNG blue master plasma

    Sorc has +12 etched conflate weapon,
    +12 conflate chest
    +12 conflate gloves.
    +12slaughter boots ( have guile in inveentory but not +12 yet)
    and Guilde belt.
    Mid tier accessories (nice rolls)
    Crit +16 inners

    this is a beautiful account and im very well known acroos the game, its just time for me to go im looking for $250 but offer up!

    and consider the gear and cosmeticss i have.. skype : Thevicestar

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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