Sold WTS - 120 SSR Account with over 100k crystals (1 full Spark) - LF Paypal

Discussion in 'Granblue Fantasy Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/watermelongatorade, 8/11/21.

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  1. /u/watermelongatorade

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    Getting bored of GBF so I'm selling this account

    It's a semi starter at around chapter 65 or so with lots of character quests to do for free crystals.

    Has lots of the top meta units according to the wiki, and some zodiac characters as well.

    Hundreds of stamina potions and elixirs.

    I can send pictures of the full roster on request.

    Discord at mithTN#0177

    LF Paypal $60 or best offer - Family and friends only and you must pay first. If you want to use a middleman, that's fine but you will pay all the fees.

    # #/watermelongatorade
    # .
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