Sold [WTS] $10 = 45,000,000 Gold for Vindictus East [Most Trusted Seller]

Discussion in 'Vindictus Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by nanostray2007, 9/29/16.

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  1. nanostray2007

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    If you're interested, please add me on Skype: pinanosmurf
    Or Post here and tell me how I can reach you.

    The rate is $10 per 45m

    Only Paypal is accepted.

    I have sold over 9b in merely 10 days I had joined this forum.

    After seeing such huge success, I decided to take gold selling business very seriously.

    I make sure to leave all of my buyers 100% satisfied with every trade.

    - Dividing up the transaction into smaller bits (e.g. $30 - > $15 / $15) is fine and is recommended.

    - If I'm ever out of stock, I will truthfully tell you that I don't have enough Gold and then give you an estimated restock time.

    - Every trade will be an instant live trade and we will be communicating through either Skype or Vindictus itself.

    - There will be bonus for those that recommend me to your friends!
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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