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Discussion in 'OG Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell Rare Accounts' started by CanadianSyrupMaker, 11/19/16.

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  1. CanadianSyrupMaker

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    English, writing, and educating myself has been a thrive for me in life. I've had experience in a variety of job placements, education sectors, and additional training for certain employments that have brought me to where I am today. Over the years I have provided my services to primarily close friends in real life but also to people I have known online whether it is helping them or doing their homework myself. While I continued, I eventually branded out a variety of other skills I thought would benefit other people and started offering things such as personal online tutoring, studying (exams, etc.), news articles, freelanced writing, job applications, and overall just providing the answers you need for literally anything I'm educated with.

    Everybody is gifted in their own way with education even if it is only mainstream education. People learn different things in their own way, but sometimes having an extra hand in areas we lack isn't overall a bad thing. If you want something done and it might not be listed on this thread, feel free to send me a PM or add me on Skype - you never know! Having an open mind is a key aspect with my services, especially when it comes to helping you with school work and studying. I try to be the cheapest around but doing these things takes time out of my already busy schedule in real life, plus my growth into online markets such as playerup. So sit back and relax. I got this.

    Below are the primary services I offer. If it's listed in this thread even briefly, I can do it - even then if you don't see what you need: send me a PM, we'll get you taken care of!

    Written Services
    Long Written Work

    If you have any work (such as school [English, etc.]) that requires the above, I will do it! Whether it is primary, secondary (high school), or college/university level and is "long written" work (minimum of 350 words) the price stays exactly the same depending on the complexity. Below are my rates based on how many words are in the documents by subject:

    350 - 400 words: $11.50 USD (50 free words) [English, Poetry, Opinion Pieces, Biographies]
    350 - 400 words: $12.50 (50 free words) [News Articles, Essays, Other] (Complex Work Pricing)

    450 - 850 words: $21.50 (50 free words) [English, Poetry, Opinion Pieces, Biographies]
    450 - 850 words: $24.25 (50 free words) [News Articles, Essays, Other] (Complex Work Pricing)

    900 - 1300 words: $36.00 (50 free words) [English, Poetry, Opinion Pieces, Biographies]
    900 - 1300 words: $39.25 (50 free words) [News Articles, Essays, Other] (Complex Writing Pricing)

    1300 - 1700 words: $50.50 (100 free words) [English, Poetry, Opinion Pieces, Biographies]
    1300 - 1700 words: $53.53 (150 free words) [News Articles Essays, Other] (Complex Writing Pricing)

    Special Pricing & Packages
    $18.50 - x2 350 - 400 words (Complex)
    $42.00 - x2 450 - 850 words (Complex) + 50 free words!
    $65.00 - x2 900 - 1300 words (Complex) + 50 free words!
    $100.00 - x2 1300 - 1700 words (Complex) + 100 free words!
    * If your assignment reaches over the word limit, you will be charged $0.25 cents per 50 words. [ALL]
    * Anything under 1300 words must be paid prior to completion. Minimum deposit of me finishing your work before
    full payment is $50.00. Otherwise anything lower must be paid up front to me.

    Online Tutoring

    I offer a very flexible and diverse tutoring service that is cheap and also reliable. Most schools make you pay godly amounts of money just for a woman (or man) to sit with you and continuously repeat the same things until you get it. I do not believe that's how educating works properly: I believe it has to be fun, interactive, technologically relevant, and of course exploring the subject(s) with an open mind rather than a closed one. Instead of having information shoved down your throat, I will be there with you directly, or indirectly, the way you would like my services is totally up to you! I offer tutoring in the following subjects:

    - English (Sec. [High School] - College/University Levels)
    - Science (Sec. [High School Academic] - College/University Levels)
    - Human Resources (University/College)
    - Philosophy (Sec. [High School] - College/University Levels)
    - Psychology (University/College Levels)

    * NOTE: Please don't ask for anything related to Mathematics. Despite having a good mind for it, it is not my favorite subject to teach
    and will gladly help you find someone willing to tutor you in math!

    * Hours can be used up independently instead of all at once. (ex. One hour a day, two hours the next, skip a day, etc.)
    All subjects are $12.50 an hour if purchased PER hour.
    x3 Hours - $35.55 USD
    x6 Hours - $66.00 USD
    x9 Hours - $100.00 USD
    x10 Hours+ -Contact Me Personally

    * All hours include a one-on-one tutoring session per hour with myself over microphone.
    * If you don't have a microphone I will still use mine if wanted. If requested, I will do my best through written text.
    * All sessions are done on Skype and an interactive whiteboard / pasteboard.
    * Webcam Tutoring costs an additional $25.00 on each package, non-#.
    - You do not require a webcam. I will be able to tutor and provide more examples, explanations, and is a stronger education tool rather than a voice.

    Got work to do? Can't do it? Want someone else to do it? Well I'm your guy. Even if it's something I did not mention in this thread, I might be able to still help you out! Do not hesitate to PM me here on the playerup Forum, or feel free to add my Skype: ccamumble

    I do not use anything else besides Skype and playerup. All payments are final and are only subjected to a refund according to the policy below. If you live in Canada you have the option to pay using Interact eTransfer, be sure to mention it! I only accept Paypal, Interact eTransfer, or actual Bank Transfers in the form of $USD currency. ($CDN is subjected to currency exchange rates when not paying $USD!)

    Thanks for reading, and hope I can help some of you out.

    SyrupMaker's Work Completion Guarantee
    If you are unsatisfied with the amount of time it takes for me to complete your assignment(s), I will offer you a FULL refund. That's right, your entire money back guaranteed if I take longer than an agreed time frame between myself and you. By default I aim to finish all assignments (including other people that have ordered before you) within 2-4 days depending solely on the complexity of the work, the amount of writing and research required, and how fast you can send me the information I need to finish the work in question.

    In the case you are unsatisfied with my work overall, which I highly doubt, I will offer you a 90% refund on all funds paid. The 10% will be kept as a labor fee to me as this type of work takes up a lot of my time while mixing it with other jobs and online ventures. To avoid people abusing my policy you need to supply a very clear reason on why the work I have completed for you needs to be refunded. In addition I will submit the work requested, along with the completed work, to someone here on playerup to verify that the work I have completed for you is invalid, incorrect, or just not "up to your standards" which I say again, I highly doubt. Throughout my entire time doing this I have never had to offer a refund nor has anyone asked for their money back, and I plan to keep it that way.

    Skype: ccamumble

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    #1 CanadianSyrupMaker, 11/19/16
    Last edited by a moderator: 11/24/18
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