Add me on Discord if you're intrested and have any question regarding the account - Shafara#5340 Only accepting paypal GUILD WARS 2 API - E5E22C25-7279-A94E-8FCD-F84D7A77A74107346417-E6EB-45D9-B318-B677B2EF00CE N/A Server - Darkhaven Features :- Account Features :- 4 Years acc near to 5 11 Characters Slot - 8 in use (2 free slot) 295 Mastery Rank - All Episode unlock (Season 2,3 and 4) World vs World Rank 338 (Darkhaven Server) 20 Shared Inventory Slot - 1 free and 19 extra 50g++ Current gold - Most of it I use it to invest in materials ±3856g in value of Material Storage - Cap of 1500 Material Storage Amount ±4428g bank Item Value with 13 Bank Slot - Alot of Ascended, Tome, boosters, Raid Kill Proof and collectables in there. 300% Max Luck - Extra Luck I keep in the Bank All Max 400-500 Crafting - Some Characters have 4 max repeat Crafting (Including 400 Scribe) All Mounts Unlock - Griffon, Bettles, Skyscale (Have 2 mount pack Skin)(See API) 69.1% Dyes Collected - See API Commander Tag Ready 3 Gift of Battle and 2 Gift of Exploration left 1.3mil Karma - At least 1k of each Dungeon Currency - 7.6k Spirit Shard QoL Item - 2 Sets of Unlimited Gathering Tools - (See API) Copper & Silver Salvage Tools Mistlock Sactuary Permenant Pass Unlimited Use of Fractals Omnipotion and Anywhere Mystic Forge 400+ Tomes of Knowledge Bunch of unlockables and vanity items (Including Dhuum Chair) (See API) Character - 1 of each Class (Some With Multiple build) - All full Ascended - Half of it are raid/fractals ready All level 80 with metabuild and ascended stats (With Food ready) Fractals Level 100 and Kill Proof till Wing 5 Some Character have 32-Slot invisble Bag and extra Bag slot (See Api) 5 out of 9 have 100% map completion Legendaries - Near Ready for 1 set of Legendary Armor - See API for Material in BANK Sunrise - Chuka & Chumpawat - The Ascension - Ad infinitum I usually work on multiple legendaries at the same time and sold it Posted on - 15/8/2019