Sold WTS》 account lvl 155

Discussion in 'Atlantica Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by WildSpirit, 3/20/17.

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  1. WildSpirit

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    High Risk Status: This user has been flagged as high risk due to one or more reasons

    vl 155 account with Warlord / Jeon / Patriot / Sherrif / Carmilla (vamp) / Valk / Centaur / Ody / Druid / Elementalist / Spartan / Pirate / Empress / Gigas / Rin / Bro Grimm - all 140+
    Some usefull itens inside:

    1x Premium License Pack 30D (with title + exp + all licenses)
    2x 30D Blessing License
    3x 14D Blessing License
    1x 7D Blessing License
    3x 7D Teleport | 1x 7D Search Robot | 1x 7D Workload
    1x Class Change Coupon
    Explorer Dragon No trade (13400 def mount stats)
    Thor Wings No trade (1850-1950 deco stats)
    Santa Set No Trade (1100 def clothes stats)

    and more...
    I can sell this for money or trade for ingame gold/itens - pm offer
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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