Buying WTB Xbox NA Account (Possibly PC NA)

Discussion in 'Elder Scrolls Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by DaGriller, 2/4/17.

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  1. DaGriller

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    I am looking for an Xbox NA account with over max CP, at least one character max level with great gear in each class for PVP and PVE too (I just prefer PVP). I will consider PC NA if the account and price are both beyond my expectations.

    Would prefer the account to have:
    1. Stam DK orc or imperial with a strong PVP set (not a race requirement but I would prefer either of these two races)
    2. Strong gear sets so I can PVP with all characters
    3. All the time consuming tasks to be completed, I.e. Mount, shards, crafting, guilds.

    I am a gamer with not a lot of time on my hands, so I want to hop on to have fun. It would be great if you knew someone who would help bring me up to speed about the game.

    Looking to spend from $200-$500. Please let me know the details of your account.

    Must use middleman service.

    Reply below, message me here or email me at: [email protected]

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