Sold [WTB] WTB Arcane Energize + Arcane Trickery & Avenger, Mods, & Atterax Riven (PayPal, etc.)

Discussion in 'Warframe Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Kaylvanis, 11/7/17.

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  1. Kaylvanis

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    Willing to buy individual Arcane Energize for $4 each (~400 plat individually on Warframe Market).

    Willing to buy Arcane Trickery (only sets of 5) for $1 for 5 Arcane Trickeries (~20 plat individually on Warframe Market, 100 plat for 5, 200 plat for 10 ($2)).

    Willing to buy Arcane Avengers for $2 each (~200 plat individually on Warframe Market).

    Will edit wanted MAXED mods later. Check back later.

    Willing to buy Atterax Riven, MUST have +CRIT % ON SLIDE and either: +CRIT DAMAGE % or +DAMAGE % at minimum. Price is #.

    Please leave your Skype and/or Disc. below if interested and I will contact you for follow up.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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