Buying  Other Region  All Platforms  WTB Warframe Xbox / PlayStation / Switch Account

Discussion in 'Warframe Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by soleternus, 1/18/24.

  1. soleternus

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    I am Wanting to purchase an Xbox, playstation or Nintendo Switch Warframe account.

    Account requirements:

    - Any Region
    - Mastery Rank is NOT a requirement here! but if you have a large account and want to sell its probably worth mentioning.
    - PS, XBOX and SWITCH Platform accounts ONLY!
    - Has NOT been merged or Linked with any other Warframe account.
    - I will Require access to both the Warframe account and the orginal email associated with the account.
    - Has at least SOME of the items listed as a *PRIORITY* item on the account.

    If you think you have an account which fits this criteria, then i am indeed interested!

    Things i am looking for from your account in order of what i want the *MOST* listed first.
    Ideally im looking for your account to have at least SOME of what is on my *PRIORITY* List for me to consider buying:

    *PRIORITY* (you should have at least a few of these for my to consider you account! the more the better!)

    - Weapons
    *Dex Sybaris* (Primary)
    *Azzima* (Secondary)
    *Dex Furis* (Secondary)
    *Zenistar* (Melee)
    *Dex Dakra* (Melee)
    *Sigma & Octantis* (Melee)

    - Mods
    *Primed Sure Footed*
    *Primed Vigor*
    *Primed Shred*
    *Primed Fury*

    That is the end of my Priority list! so the more you have of the above the more i will be interested of course!
    Whilst i understand its hard to put a value on every account i am more than open to considering the price you would like to sell at! IF you do have ALL or Some of the above on your account I would then consider looking at the following extras as well!

    (IF you already have some of the above *PRIORITY* list on your account)

    - TennoGen Cosmetics
    These are any cosmetics purchased for real money with the TennoGen tag attached to them.
    List the names of any and all you have!

    - Archon shards Normal / Tau
    List all the shards you have! it doesnt matter if they are on warframes or not!

    - Riven Mods (IF you have anything worthy of note or value you can list it!)

    - Platinum (if you have any on the account)

    If you have an account with any or near all of the above priority items do feel free to reach out if you are interested in selling with the price you have in mind for the account! I am looking forward to seeing what pops up! Any other Questions Obviously do reach out, I will try and answer as best i can!

    Many thanks,
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