Selling WTB want to buy American Wispering Islands server...

Discussion in 'Order and Chaos Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Order & Chaos Accounts - Buy and Sell, 3/4/13.

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  1. Order & Chaos Accounts - Buy and Sell

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    WTB want to buy American Wispering Islands server lv 60 warrior/ranger/mage account email me if you have a powerful one, vivi88778@ would like to pay up to $100 depending on the equip. paypal payment. note: it has to be server of american wispering islands IOS WTB lvl 60 Cleric/Priest Rune Gear is enough, more is better ;) looking for an undead mostly, pm me with offers please. Greetings Tim WTB Order and chaos online android account High level Hello I am looking to buy a order and chaos android account that has at least 1 high level character more would be better ;D. The reason why I want to buy an account is because I only have a level 35 as my highest toon And i really enjoy the game but I fail at leveling :/ So I am looking to buy an account. If you think I would be interested In your account Private message me and i will reply ASAP no matter what even if you think it may suck pm me Thanks for your time today WTB WTB order and chaos recipes and generals symbol basically as the title says. I'm looking to buy Order and Chaos General's Symbol and Guardian / divine monk epic recipes. America - Whispering Islands server. will use paypal. WTT 60 Mage for 60 ranger Wanting to trade my lvl 60 undead Mage for lvl 60 ranger Mage is full rune. WTT TANK WITH UNLIMITED GSTANCE FOR WARRIOR WITH EPIC (android) Thanks to a bug that randomly occured to me one tank now can gs unlimited times. So that means unlimited gs as long as you maintain morale. My character still isnt perfect though as I have a mix of rune gear that are epics. I have for tank...gloves, boots, and leggings that are epic. I have for cvk shoulders and helmet. One eristar essence in inventory, and 160 souls so you can easily buy whichever chest you want after you get the other two essences. Then youll be 6/6 and ready to rock with unlimited gs. Its a elf with peach colored skin(white) so its not some ugly orc or something and actually is a decent looking character. What im...
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