Sold [WTB] [US] BLU Account Looking to buy a Blue Mage...

Discussion in 'EverQuest 2 Accounts for Sale - Buy Sell EQ2 Account' started by EQ2 Accounts - Buy and Sell, 2/14/13.

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  1. EQ2 Accounts - Buy and Sell

    EQ2 Accounts - Buy and Sell
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    [WTB] [US] BLU Account Looking to buy a Blue Mage account.At least for the account to have Xfer available and yellow proc spells. Max $200 USD. [WTB] [US] BLU with Ebisu account Looking for a decked out BLU with a good charged whisker setup. Also must have Ebisu rod. If also possible have BST or any mage leveld, but just mainly looking for what I said above. [WTB] [US] bonecraft account Just looking for something cheap with bonecraft leveled, pm me with any offers. [WTB] [US] Bonecraft Account Looking for a cheap account which has access to the past. Abyssea isn't required. Nothing special just bonecraft and access to past areas. PM me with details. [WTB] [US] Bravura/Uko account [WTB] [EU] or US I'm looking to buy a Bravura or Uko account. Race not matter but anything but Galka would be cool. Would like account to have Adamant Hauberk Ares body (not a must but nice) Ridill etc Basicly a pretty high end geared WAR/DD. Preferly with Maat's Cap. Server doesnt matter as long Server transfer is availble. EU or US account only. Preferly EU since I live there. PM or reply please~ [WTB] [US] BST account Looking for a 95 bst with all upto date axes or somewhat upto date pm me [WTB] [US] bst Hey everyone, looking to buy a basic BST account. Only real requirement is it has to be a male character. Must have abyssea purchased so I have some stones to build on, and all of the obvious things unlocked (sky/sea). Will look at anything. Taru > Galka > Elvaan > Hume are my preferences. [WTB] [US] BST/BLU account If u have any stripped and with good price send me PM thx account US/EU is the same [WTB] [US] bst/mnk/nin Looking for a main bst account but mnk or nin also works to. Must have all expansions, shinyru access, and any race or sex is ok. Preferred mithira or taru tho. [WTB] [US] Buying ALL accounts. PAYS MOST! NO LIMIT ON CAPITAL! I am looking to enter the selling/buying market for FFXI accounts. The difference between myself and other buyers is: I buy and sell to...
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