Sold [WTB] Some wizzy items

Discussion in 'Realm of the Mad God Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by pharoh, 10/20/16.

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  1. pharoh

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    Hey guys
    I am looking for someone who is selling all three items : Staff of the Rising Sun , Soulless Robe , Ancient Spell: Pierce all for 2.5 usd

    Payment Method will be Paypal BUT IT WONT BE FRIENDS/FAMILY because my country doesn't have that option and I will cover all the taxes(you receive the whole 2.5 usd ) ,that's the way it is .
    Do not add me if you are selling only one item of those , I want all three together .
    My vouch thread and skype is in the description .
    I will go first for trusted/premium/heavily vouched (with non-dodgy vouches ) members only .
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