WTB scion gear acron/dari

Discussion in 'Archlord Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 8/3/14.

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    Acron/Dari WTB: Lv 92 scion weps with damage, crit and ele damage with scions in them Lv 90 HH cap scion Lv 90 HH boots Scion Cf top with hp and sb Cf pants with resi 3 slot I pay in scrolls. Thanks.

    [EU3] WTS toons ( 1 2)

    WTS these for paypal only, about 50euro each PM me. Lv99 Knight Lv103 Mage Lv103 Sorc Lv102 Zerk

    WTS Archer & Swash on Urzark

    I WTT my Account with: lvl 80 Archer , full Cf , and a bit cc on it. and lvl 82 Swash with Luke , an Cast ring , full Cf and Kark on it. I want to trade it for Uniks on Urzark or a other Account .

    [ZIAN] WTT Summoner lvl 60

    Like the title says wttsummoner lvl 60 , 2 sera in bag, other cc...i want to trade it for a ranger lvl 70 naked , no stuff in chantra with mail ...pm me if you want screen or interested bump

    Epic offer trade xD ZIAN
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