Sold WTB S64 / IOS / LVL 99 Account.

Discussion in 'Idle Heroes Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Antw, 7/29/17.

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  1. Antw

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    S64 / VIP 6-7

    IOS Server 64
    LVL - 99
    TOWER : 260 - RANK 7
    CAMPAIGN : 12-4 / need lvl 100 to continue - RANK 8
    ARENA : 4
    TEAM UP ARENA : Usually get top 10 at least.
    POWER : over 130k

    Heroes :

    6* : Iceblink(140) , Demon Hunter(140) , Groo(140) , Ormus(135) , Faceless(140)
    5* : Miki(100) , Dragon Slayer x2
    4* : ~30 Forest & Fortress

    Can make 7* any Forest hero / Can also make 6* Miki, the copy is in altar 500 soul stone left.
    Justice aura : 8% attack , 10% health / 3 Forest , 3 Fortress

    3x Orange 1*
    4x Red 3*
    3x Red 2*
    1x Red 1*
    1x Green 3*
    4x Green 1/2*
    1 Red
    4 Green

    Monster :

    Dragon one - Lvl 41
    Monster aura - 25 first , 10 second

    Guild :

    - GUILD LEADER of the best guild on server
    - Guild power around 1,7mil - 2mil
    - Boss Raid 10 / 10% left
    - Mill lvl 5 / 40% left to lvl 6
    - Very active players with high power. 6-7 of my teammates are in TOP 10
    - Guild war top 4
    - LVL 13 guild
    - Guild Tech : First all 20 - Second all 10 - Third 3/6 10 - 4Th 2/6 10

    Others :

    - 5M Gold
    - 1M Spirit
    - 10K Guild coins
    - 2K Brave trial
    - 3K Soul shards
    - 30K Promotion stones

    PM if u are interested or MAIL me @ [email protected]
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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