WTB: Rift account!

Discussion in 'Rift Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Rift, 10/1/13.

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  1. Rift

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    Hello since i want to end my time in old wow, i wanna start on rift. Im looking for a good rift account 1 lvl 50 ( more is okay ofc ) I do not care if what faction it is! Im looking for mabye a cleric with healer gear or a warrior with tank gear but other classes like rogue and mage are also okay! ofc we can find out something! I would also like there is gametime on! Here is info on my wow account: It got alot of wow accounts under the samme battle account! First wow account: 85 druid small pvp geared (conquest gear) 85 priest not so much to talk about 85 shaman FULL season 10 geared with 1 season 11 part. 80 death knight. 70 death knight on other server. all on same server and account! on the other account there is a lvl 80 paladin with vial of sands. on an other account should be a nice lvl 70 warlock (dutch server ) When you have pm'ed or added me on you ofc get Armory link! i can also pay 44$ but no wow account then! ( btw the wow account got around 2 weeks gametime!) but i put a swtor account with either the wow account or the 44$ Pm me here or add me on : frederikkfl if you need more info!
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