Hello i want to start on rift account. So i need a account i will prefer if there is a lvl 50 defiant i would love to mabye have a cleric that have healer gear! or mabye tank warrior with tank gear ( raid ready ofc! ) i can only pay 44$ + a swtor account! the "Digital Deluxe Edition $49.99" + the 44$ again a cleric with full healer gear ( prefer defiant but guardian is fine to!) Needs to be on EU! btw needs to be gametime on don´t care if its only one month! To be honest you can come with any char´s and we can take a look if i want them Or insted of the 44$ i can trade a wow account with gametime and the following char´s: 2x 80 dk (dwarf/tauren) 1 lvl 70 druid 1 lvl 70 warlock 1 lvl 85 druid 1 lvl 85 priest 1 lvl 85 shaman You get their armory link ofc! Ofc you get the wow account + swtor account! If you wanna contact me Pm me here or add me on : frederikkfl Thanks! Regards frederik!