Sold [WTB] New accs with trial premium Spotify, NETFLIX and TIDAL

Discussion in 'Spotify Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by shakin, 10/14/17.

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  1. shakin

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    I buy account Spotify with 60 days trial premium, NETFLIX with activated 30 days trial and TIDAL with 180 days trial. Regardless of country. It does not have to be with a confirmed email. You must know how to activated this trials.

    my demand:
    Spotify - 10 accs per day (0,80 USD each)
    Tidal - 10 accs per day (0,50 USD each)
    NETFLIX - 20 accs per day and sometimes more (0,99 USD each)

    Such prices due to the exchange rate but I suggest stable cooperation. :)

    PS. If you know how to create only 30 day premium in Spotify, I'll give you a link for 60 days.

    My Skype: veriuso

    Best regards.
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