Selling WTB lvl 60 mage (eu)!!!! Order and chaos online...

Discussion in 'Order and Chaos Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Order & Chaos Accounts - Buy and Sell, 3/1/13.

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  1. Order & Chaos Accounts - Buy and Sell

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    WTB lvl 60 mage (eu)!!!! Order and chaos online Please reply with details and price Order & Chaos Mage or Warrior level 39+ Buying the account and paying with PayPal. Thanks. WTS - Order and Chaos - iOS MMORPG WTS Lvl 60 Human Warrior, Many Epics, geared as Battle and Guardian Spec Master Blacksmith with many rare recipes. Alot of Blue items. with 500g Paypal payment preferred. Order & Chaos online account ( Lvl 60 Mage & Lvl 60 Monk ) sell account with a Lvl 60 Mage & Lvl 60 Monk with 6.500gold, Master tailoring, Blue items, Gear Available. Europe Server Paypal Payment Only. Serious Offers Only Order & Chaos Online Lvl 60 Ranger/Monk Hello, I am willing to sell a level 60 Ranger & level 60 Monk on the American-Arcadian Forest server. The Ranger has FULL EPIC gears worth over 10,000G all together, and is very well specced. The Monk is also specced very well and heals like a beast. Please, message me offers and I will be glad to work out a deal. -- The ranger also has over 12 EPIC items on the account. Best of it's kind. All in all, this account is the BEST and everyone will envy you. --- Transaction must be done via PayPal. order & chaos online - lvl 60 warrior with 1000 gold epic armor Theres a 30 lv female warrior included Payment by paypal
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